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BaseVirtualList API

Public Properties

The following are properties that can be accessed publicly on an instance of BaseVirtualList.

  • _list: T[] - The current list of items being managed by the virtual list.
  • _renderList: T[] - The list of items being rendered currently.
  • _childrenSize: IVirtualListChildrenSize - Contains sizes for client, header, footer, sticky header, and sticky footer.

Instance Methods

Scroll Control

  • scrollToOffset(targetOffset: number): void: Scrolls the list to a specific offset.
  • scrollToIndex(index: number): void: Scrolls to the specified index.
  • scrollIntoView(index: number): void: Ensures that a specific item is in view.
  • scrollToTop(): void: Scrolls to the top of the list.
  • scrollToBottom(): void: Scrolls to the bottom of the list.

List Management

  • manualTopListChange(list: T[], isDelete = false): void: Manually adjusts the top portion of the list when items are added or removed.

Internal Properties

While these are marked as private, they influence the behavior and state of the virtual list:

  • _state: IVirtualListState: Stores the current state of the list including the buffer sizes, views, offset, etc.
  • _itemKey: string: Key used to uniquely identify each item in the list.
  • _minSize: number: Minimum size of each item in the list.

Released under the MIT License.